Ngwat khwo
- Normal special pages.
- Restricted special pages.
Maintenance reports
- A̱junjung ngwat
- A̱kukum ngwat
- A̱yaafail ba̱ sang sa a̱ni
- A̱yaafail nang á̱ cat a̱ni
- A̱yaafail nang á̱ nwai nyia̱ ta̱m ma̱ng a̱mba a̱ni
- Broken redirects
- Double redirects
- Lint errors
- Lyulyoot nang á̱ cok a̱ni
- Ngwat di̱ mi̱n a̱ka̱fwuop a̱lyem
- Ngwat ma̱ng sangba̱p
- Ngwat nang á̱ cat a̱ni
- Ngwat na̱ sang sa a̱ni
- Nta̱mpi̱let nang á̱ cat a̱ni
- Oldest pages
- Orphaned pages
- Pages not connected to items
- Pages with the fewest revisions
- Protected pages
- Si̱sa ji̱ sang sa a̱ni
- Si̱sa nang á̱ cat a̱ni
- Si̱sa nang á̱ nwai nyia̱ ta̱m ma̱ng a̱nji a̱ni
- Uncategorized templates
- Unused templates
Lists of pages
- A̱kwom sa
- A̱mgba̱m ngwat ma̱ng ya̱mak-a̱son
- A̱mgba̱m ngwat na
- Disambiguation pages
- Entity usage
- External links search
- List of redirects
- Ngwat ma̱ng a̱yaalama-fi̱ri̱ng
- Ngwat tazwa á̱pyia̱ a̱lyiat hyia̱k ang ba
- Pages linking to disambiguation pages
- Pages with a page property
- Si̱sa
- Tracking categories
- Zop
Account management
- Bu nyia̱ seti a̱yaalama
- Bu nyia̱ seti swang-nwuai ji
- Change credentials
- Ghwut
- Global preferences
- Global user account rename request
- Global user account vanish request
- Login unification status
- Ndan-cat
- Notifications
- Nwuo
- Remove credentials
- Shai ke a turung a̱vwuonswat ta̱m-i ka
- Swáng-nwuai tswambishyi
- Topic subscriptions
Users and rights
- Active users list
- Autoblocks
- A̱ka̱wat a̱tyuta̱m
- Blocked users
- Email user
- Global account manager
- Global accounts list
- Global group management
- Grants
- Jhyet a̱tyunta̱m
- Khwuk a̱la̱n ka
- List OAuth applications
- List of globally blocked IP addresses and accounts
- Lyulyoot á̱nietnta̱m
- Membership in global groups
- Password policies
- User group rights