Afi̱rika A̱za-a̱tyin

Neet di̱ Wikipedia

Aifrika Aza-atyin sanga nang angyei ka gbangbang, yet alyot fam-abyin nang a ku nyia tam ma nka a gyei ayabibyin nang ba swan mami Afirika di fam Ashong Kyai asakhwot. Afam abyin ka no shyia akawatyia Afirika Aza mi Afirika Atyin, asi yai the horn of Afirika (Jibauti, Eritiryia, Etiyopiya nbeang Somalyia sarai mi Masat, Libyia, nbeang Sudan.


Northeast Africa, or Northeastern Africa or Northern East Africa as it was known in the past, is a geographic regional term used to refer to the countries of Africasituated in and around the Red Sea. The region is intermediate between North Africa and East Africa, and encompasses the Horn of Africa (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia, as well as Egypt, Libya and the Sudan. The region has a very long history of habitation with fossil finds from the early hominids to modern human and is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse regions of the world, being the home to many civilizations and located on an important trade route that connects multiple continents.