
Neet di̱ Wikipedia

Usage[jhyuk a̱tyin ka]


Commons gallery page name is optional: if missing, the template will look up the associated gallery in Wikidata. If that's missing, it will find associated category. If that's missing, it will finally will fall back to Commons search.

Full syntax
|list=                       wikitext for a list 
|links=                      wikitext to override default link 
|extratext=                  extra text 
|search=                     string to search in Commons
|notrack=                    turn off tracking categories
|italic=                     italicize link text

Examples[jhyuk a̱tyin ka]


Media related to Work at Wikimedia Commons

Text override

Work is the link target and Puffle is the link label.


Media related to Puffle at Wikimedia Commons

Full link override
{{Commons-inline|links=[[commons:Foo|]] and [[commons:Bar|]]}}

Media related to Foo and Bar at Wikimedia Commons

List format
* [[commons:Foo|Foo]]
* [[commons:Bar|Bar]]
* [[commons:Row|Row]]
* [[commons:Dee|Dee]]

Nyinyiit shei nkhang a̱meang shyia̱ Wikimedia Commons:

Another list format, including Commons templates
:[[c:Commons:Timed Text|Commons:Timed Text]]
:{{[[Commons:Template:Captions requested|Captions requested]]}}

Nyinyiit shei nkhang a̱meang shyia̱ Wikimedia Commons:

Commons:Timed Text
{{Captions requested}}
Extra text
{{Commons-inline|Work|extratext= Extra text}}

Media related to Work at Wikimedia Commons Extra text

Force Commons search

Media related to Work at Wikimedia Commons

Turn off tracking categories (for use inside other templates)

Media related to Work at Wikimedia Commons

Tracking categories[jhyuk a̱tyin ka]

Normal categories[jhyuk a̱tyin ka]

Maintenance categories[jhyuk a̱tyin ka]

See also[jhyuk a̱tyin ka]

Ta‌̱mpi‌̱let:Commons templates see also